Miriam Fernández-Parrado


Skin & Digital Summit </br>A<span style="text-transform: lowercase;">nnual </span>s<span style="text-transform: lowercase;">ummit online</span> Dec. 10th

From Metaverse to Dermoverse

  • A new universe in Dermatology and Skincare

Q&A with the audience - moderation by Dominique du Crest

11.03 – 11.28 CET

Skin & Digital Summit 28<sup>th</sup> January

Metaverse roundtable: let’s talk about the future

Hector Perandones Gonzales
Tracy Cohen Sayag
Stéphane Smarrito

Q & A with the audience moderated by Foad Nahai & Anthony Rossi

10.05 – 10.20 CET

Skin & Digital Summit 12<sup>th</sup> May

Metaverse / Dermoverse. Its applications in dermatology and skincare