Alexander Zink
3pm - 4pm
Skin & Digital Summit DEC 11th
Tech and the Dermatologist's point of view
- Digital Dermatology: Sensors and the Future
- This algorithm doesn't replace doctors – It makes them better
- Towards augmented intelligence in dermatology
- AI in skin cancer: from education to diagnostics
Q&A with the audience
10:05 - 10:21 EST
Skin & Digital Summit</br>H<span style="text-transform: lowercase;">osted by</span> AID June 24th
Is the smart bathroom the future focus for dermatology and skincare?
15:35 – 16:05
Skin & Digital Summit 9<sup>st</sup> December
Large Language Models (ChatGPT, Bard, LLaMA, …) in Dermatology
- Will LLMs lead to the demise of medical specialty including Dermatology
- Unraveling misinformation: Leveraging LLMs to transform Healthcare and Dermatology
Q&A with the audience – moderation by Alexander Zink, MD. MPH